Quality Services

Quality and Patient Safety are top priorities at Littleton Regional Healthcare.

We recognize and value the importance of a commitment to quality in improving patient safety and providing cost-effective services. We publish healthcare quality data as part of our effort to provide the community with meaningful, and easily accessible information about the quality of the services and care we provide. Below, you will find a link to the Hospital Compare site to allow patients to compare our performance against other hospitals, including data representing the quality of care and patient satisfaction measures. LRH uses this data to assess and improve the quality of the care and service we provide. If you have questions or feedback regarding our data, you may contact Littleton Regional Healthcare Quality Services at 603-444-9597 or quality@lrhcares.org.

Our Mission

To provide quality, compassionate and accessible healthcare in a manner that brings value to all.

Our Vision

Littleton Regional Healthcare will be the leading provider of health care, and the best organization in which to work.

Our Values

ICARE: Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Excellence

Patient-Centered Care and Patient Safety

Patient- and family-centered care places an emphasis on collaborating with patients and families of all ages, at all levels of care, and in all health care settings. At Littleton Regional Healthcare, we recognize our patients as partners. Patients who are actively involved and informed about their care are an essential part of our healthcare team. Families are also an indispensable part of our healthcare team. Family members serve as allies for quality and safety within any health care system. Being in the hospital can be confusing, and at times, overwhelming. Having a family advocate involved in care supports communication and understanding for both patients and caregivers. Many studies confirm that social isolation is actually a health risk factor, and we are working to ensure that hospital and ambulatory care policies and practices do not separate patients and families in caregiving and decision-making. We are committed to providing an environment that fosters open communication and questions. We encourage each of our patients, their family members, and significant others to speak up about questions and concerns they may have about treatment, illness, or wellness options and opportunities. The “Speak Up” program, sponsored by The Joint Commission, urges patients to get involved in their care. This initiative provides simple advice on how you, as the patient, can make your care a positive experience. For more information, download the “Speak Up” brochure (PDF). The “Speak Up” program emphasizes the following points:

  • Speak up if you have questions or concerns, and if you don’t understand, ask again. It’s your body and you have a right to know.
  • Pay attention to the care you are receiving. Make sure you’re getting the right treatments and medications by the right health care professionals. Don’t assume anything.
  • Educate your self about your diagnosis, and medical tests you are undergoing, and your treatment plan.
  • Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate. Know what medications you take and why you take them. Medication errors are the most common health care mistakes.
  • Use a hospital, clinic, surgery center, or other type of health care organization that has undergone a rigorous on-site evaluation against established, state-of-the-art quality and safety standards.
  • Participate in all decisions about your treatment. You are the center of the health care team.

Performance reports can be found at Medicare.gov

The “Speak Up” program emphasizes the following points:

Speak Up guidelines

Patient Feedback

At Littleton Regional Healthcare, your healing, comfort, and well-being are our primary concerns. We greatly appreciate your feedback and we hope you will share information about your experience with us. We certainly want to hear from patients who wish to share their positive experiences with us, but we also want to hear from patients who wish to share opportunities for improvement. It is our belief that feedback from patients is a valuable resource in our improvement efforts and we are always willing to listen and learn from our patients.

Do you have a question or concern? Speak to the clinical staff, your provider or any other staff member if you have questions about the care you or a family member is receiving at Littleton Regional Healthcare, or if you are concerned about safety.

You can also speak with a member of our Quality Services team, staff specially trained to help patients and families with concerns, who will handle your concerns in a confidential manner. If at any time you have questions, concerns or a complaint about the level of care or service provided, we encourage you to promptly bring it to our attention.

Quality Services can be reached Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm by calling (603) 444-9597 (or internally, extension 9597). If you would like to detail your concern in writing, send your letter of concern directly to the LRH, mail to:

Littleton Regional Healthcare
Attention: Quality Services
580 St. Johnsbury Rd.
Littleton, NH 03561.

Listening and responding to you is one of many ways Littleton Regional Healthcare strives to assure that our patients received patient- and family-centered care that is coordinated, effective, efficient, compassionate, and safe.

If your concerns cannot be resolved through our Quality Services office, you may lodge a concern, regardless of whether you have first used the Littleton Regional Healthcare’s grievance process.

You may contact:

NH Department of Health & Human Services health Facility Administration
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-9040

If you have received Skilled Nursing Care from LRH, you may also contact the Office of Ombudsman-Long Term Care to lodge a grievance.

NH Department of Health & Human Services
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-4375
(800) 442-5640
(603) 271-5574 Fax
(800) 735-2964 TDD Access Relay

Medicare beneficiaries may lode a grievance with the state’s Quality Improvement Organization directly, regardless of whether you have first used Littleton Regional Healthcare’s grievance process.

You may contact:

KEPRO-National Quality Innovation Network
5700 Lombardo Center Drive, Suite 100
Seven Hills, OH 44131
(888) 319-8452 or TTY (855) 843-4776

Please contact the Quality Services Department at Littleton Regional Healthcare at (603) 444-9597 if you have questions.

Patient Rights & Responsibilities Policies

Littleton Regional Healthcare complies with our visitation policy and where we post the Patient Rights and Responsibilities.

  • Notice of Privacy Practices (PDF) –This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information.
  • Mental Health Bill of Rights (PDF) – This Mental Health Bill of Rights is provided by law to persons receiving mental health services in the State of New Hampshire. Its purpose is to protect the rights and enhance the well being of clients, by informing them of key aspects of the clinical relationship.
  • Nondiscrimination Notice (PDF) – Informing Individuals About Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Requirements and Nondiscrimination Statement: Discrimination Is Against The Law
  • Patient Rights and Responsibilities (PDF) – Your Rights as a Patient
  • Patient Bill of Rights (PDF) – When you are admitted to the hospital, you do not lose your rights as an individual. We want you to know your rights, so we are listing them here.

If you have questions or feedback, you may contact Littleton Regional Healthcare Quality Services at 603-444-9597 or quality@lrhcares.org.

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