Littleton, NH, – Littleton Regional Healthcare was honored to present Rae Frazer, RN, with its eighth annual Nursing Excellence Award on Wednesday May 6, 2020, National Nurses Day. Ms. Frazer exemplifies the traits of empathy, skill, critical thinking and nursing care that is the hallmark of the recipients of this award.
The Littleton Regional Healthcare Nursing Excellence Award is presented each year to an LRH nursing professional who has exhibited these very attributes. This award is a visual representation of the quality of care, compassion and standards of excellence demonstrated throughout the year by this deserving individual.

“As nurse leaders at LRH, we look around us and see nurses practicing outstanding care every day and we are thankful to be surrounded by such skill and compassion in our care team. Even among our outstanding nursing professionals, there are some with a dedication to the profession that rises above expectations. Rae Frazer, RN specializes in nursing informatics which has a focus of the management of information and communication to help facilitate data integration, information and knowledge to help nurses and other clinicians provide the critical support needed to care for their patients. Rae is recognized by her peers as a caring and vital team member who goes out of her way to ensure LRH staff has access to much needed information in a timely manner – with a smile.
Rae is a shining example of nursing excellence in all its forms – we admire and respect her and it’s a pleasure to work with her. On behalf of the Nursing Leadership team, it is our honor to present this year’s Nursing Excellence award to Rae Frazer, RN. We are fortunate to have her here at Littleton Regional Healthcare.” states Koren Superchi, RNC, MSN, Vice President of Inpatient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer at Littleton Regional Healthcare.
For more information on Littleton Regional Healthcare, contact Koren Superchi, RN, MSN, at 603-444-9268.