Littleton, NH – Littleton Regional Healthcare is pleased to announce that their outstanding team of perioperative registered nurses has earned the Certified Nurse Operating Room (CNOR) Strong designation for 2021. This is the 5th year LRH has received this designation.
The CNOR Strong designation demonstrates Littleton Regional Healthcare’s continued dedication to perioperative excellence, through achievement of a high percentage of certified perioperative nurses.

From left to right: Sharon Larson, RN, CGRN, CNOR; Chris Morancie, RN, MSN, CNOR; Heidi Chauvin, RN, CNOR; Michael Stone, RN, CNOR; Lorelee Wetherbee, RN, CNOR; Katherine LeHoskey, RN, BSN, CNOR, Director of Perioperative Services at LRH
Missing from photo is Sonya Morse, ARNP, RNFA, CNOR
In order to receive CNOR Strong designation, at least 50% of eligible perioperative nursing staff must be CNOR-certified and the facility must consistently recognize and reward nurses who become CNOR-certified or complete recertification. LRH is proud that 88% of their eligible perioperative nursing staff are CNOR-certified.
Research shows that nurses who earn the CNOR credential, a national certification for registered nurses in the operating room, have greater confidence in their clinical practice having validated their specialized knowledge in perioperative nursing. A team of CNOR-certified nurses who have mastered the standards of perioperative practice furthers a culture of professionalism, resulting in the improved outcomes for surgical patients.
100% of LRH’s surgical technologists and first assists are also certified, which means that 92% of the professional staff in the operating rooms at LRH are certified, supporting LRH’s commitment to enhanced patient care and patient safety. Despite the restrictions in place due to COVID-19, Littleton Regional Healthcare performed a total of 2,837 surgical procedures in 2020, including 284 joint replacements.
Koren Superchi, RN, MSN and Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer at LRH states, “We are grateful for the dedicated surgical services team at LRH and commend our dedicated team of nurses and surgical professionals for their continued commitment to excellence in patient care.”