SCAM Alert! Stay vigilant.

Phone SCAM. Stay alert!Unfortunately, a telephone scam has been brought to our attention. In this instance, a patient reported that they received a voicemail from someone who identified themselves as an employee of LRH’s Physician Practices. The caller told the patient that an upcoming appointment had been canceled. The caller left no other details in the message.

The call did not come from an LRH-associated telephone number this time, however. Please be vigilant. These scams are occurring far too often these days!

If you receive a call similar to the one described above, please call your provider’s office directly. LRH team members will ALWAYS identify themselves, provide a call back number if they have to leave a message, and briefly explain the reason for the call or request that you call the office. When in doubt, please don’t hesitate to contact LRH with questions or concerns, and please inform us of any kind of scam impersonating LRH.

If you receive a call from someone stating you have a balance and have to pay by credit card or find care elsewhere, PLEASE DISCONNECT THE CALL and contact LRH Patient Financial Services by calling 603-259-7627.

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