Your Partner for Success through Chronic Medical Treatment at any Stage of Serious Illness
Palliative care is an individualized approach to medical care for patients with serious illnesses. Our service provides patients with greater independence and control in decision-making about their medical care that is focused on personal goals. Whether those goals are comfort, quality, or living as long as possible, our team will be there to assist you. We focus on what matters most for you. The addition of palliative medicine, including during aggressive treatments, has been shown in studies to:
- Reduce pain and suffering from treatments
- Reduce time spent in hospitals and ICUs
- Help people understand all their options for medical care and face their treatments well prepared
- And some studies show people receiving palliative care live longer
Palliative Care Services
- Consultation with a board-certified physician
- Advanced care planning
- A comprehensive review of the medical record
- Assistance with decision making about all options for care
- Symptom management in consultation with the provider care team (PCP)
When to Utilize Palliative Care
A referral to our Palliative Care program can be made by your PCP, specialist, or yourself if you have one or more of the following:
- You have been diagnosed with a serious or life-limiting illness
- You want to discuss advanced care planning or are struggling to make decisions about medical care
- You are struggling with symptom management or side effects from your disease/treatment
- You are unsure what the future of your disease may look like and want to better understand your prognosis and options for care