Our Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) nationally accredited Diabetes Self-Management Education Program empowers people living with diabetes. We provide the knowledge necessary to make educated decisions to manage their diabetes. This knowledge improves health, decreases the risks of complications, and improves quality of life.
About the Diabetes Self-Management Education Program
Mission Statement: The Diabetes Self-Management, Education, and Training Service will teach and provide support to people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes. The goal is to assist people with diabetes, or at risk, to achieve the behavioral changes necessary to manage their risks or health conditions.
Diabetes Education: Diabetes Education pays off, however, fewer than 60% of people with diabetes have had any formal diabetes education. Research shows people who have received diabetes education are more likely to:
- Use primary care and preventative services such as routine eye exams and dental exams
- Feel confident in taking medications as prescribed
- Manage their blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
- Incur lower healthcare costs
Diabetes self-management training is a benefit covered by Medicare and most health plans when provided by a diabetes educator within an accredited/recognized program.
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Program: Taking good care of yourself can seem overwhelming. Diabetes Management can be easier when you have the knowledge and skills to make healthy lifestyle choices. Our program centers on what you need for resources and support. You will learn how to solve problems and cope with living with a chronic disease so you can control the risks of developing problems.
- Individualized self-management training
- Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES)
- Focus on meeting all 7 ADCES Self-Care Behaviors using ADCES Curriculum
- The 7 ADCES Self-Care Behaviors include
- Healthy Eating
- Being Active
- Monitoring Blood Glucose
- Taking Medications (tablets, insulin, both)
- Problem-Solving
- Healthy Coping
- Reducing Risks
Why meet with a Certified Diabetes Education Specialist?
They teach, coach, and guide people with diabetes to understand their diabetes in their personal lives and work with them to set and meet a health-directed way of life. LRH offers flexible scheduling Monday through Thursday. Please call our Certified Diabetes Education Specialist to schedule your appointment today at 603-444-9323.
Meet Our Diabetes Educator
Meet Emily DuPont, MSN, RN, CDCES Diabetes Educator and Program Manager of Diabetes Education Services at Littleton Regional Healthcare. Emily is passionate about delivering high-quality care to patients with all types of diabetes including Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes. Emily’s approach to healthcare is working with patients and their families to discover goals that matter most to the patient and empowering them with the tools and knowledge needed to meet their goals. Emily believes, “You’re not a diabetic; you’re a person with diabetes”. She explains that “people with diabetes are exactly that, people with diabetes. They are not and should not be defined or limited by their healthcare conditions”. Emily is proud to work with you and your family to meet your healthcare needs.

How to Request an Appointment
To request an appointment to see our diabetes educator, please contact your endocrinologist or your primary care physician to fax the following documents to 603-259-7705. Once the documents are received, our office will contact you to schedule an appointment.
The following documents are required from your doctor:
- A referral order
- The most recent chart notes and patient contact and insurance information
- Your most recent Hemoglobin a1c labs and any other labs

Contact Information
Diabetes Self-Management,
Education, and Training Service
Littleton Regional Healthcare
580 St. Johnsbury Road
Littleton, NH 03561
Phone 603-444-9323
Fax 603-259-7705
Hours: Monday – Thursday
Office: 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Appointments: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Diabetes Self-Management Resources, Links & Videos
- Healthy Snacking Tip Sheet (PDF)
- Ramadan Sheet (PDF)
- Dining Out with Diabetes (PDF)

- Monitoring (PDF)
- Glucose Mon Tip Sheet (PDF)
- Tips and Tricks
- Time in Range Sheet (PDF)
- Know Your Numbers
- Your Blood Sugar Tracker (PDF)
- High Blood Glucose Hyperglycemia (PDF)
- Low Blood Glucose Hypoglycemia (PDF)
- Checking Your Blood Glucose (PDF)
- Manage Blood Sugar | Diabetes | CDC
- Monitoring Your Blood Sugar
- Foot Care for People with Diabetes
- Managing Diabetes Safely During Sick Days
- Checking Your Blood Sugar
- Using Your Dexcom G6 CGM
- Dexcom Clarity Patient Portal
- Dexcom customer support number for tech assistance: 1-844-607-8398 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Using Your Dexcom G7 CGM
- Dexcom Clarity Patient Portal
- Dexcom customer support number for tech assistance: 1-844-607-8398 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Using Your Freestyle Libre 2 CGM
- Libre Customer Support for tech assistance: 1-855-632-8658 available 8am-8pm 7 days a week excluding holidays
- Using Your Freestyle Libre 3 CGM
Libre Customer Support for tech assistance: 1-855-632-8658 available 8am-8pm 7 days a week excluding holidays
- Taking Care of Your Mental Health (PDF)
- Building Your Positivity Deck
- Enrich Your Attitude With Gratitude
- Protecting Your Garden
General Diabetes Education & Advocacy
- National Diabetes Education Program diabetes.niddk.nih.gov
- Diabetes online community beyonetype1.org/the-diabetes-online-community-doc
- 4 Steps to Manage Your Diabetes for Life cdc.gov/diabetes/ndep/toolkits/4steps.html
- Type 1 Diabetes Exchange https://t1dexchange.org/welcome-glu-users/
- DiabetesSisters https://diabetessisters.org
- American Diabetes Association (ADA) diabetes.org
- JDRF jdrf.org
- Taking Control of your Diabetes tcoyd.com
Diabetes Online Literature/Magazines
- Diabetes Self-Management – https://www.diabetesselfmanagement.com/
- Diabetes Health https://www.diabeteshealth.com/
- A Sweet Life asweetlife.org
- Diatribe Foundation diatribe.org/foundation
Medication Assistance Programs
- Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Phone: 1-800-652-6227 jjpaf.org
- Lilly Diabetes Supplies insulinaffordability.com
- Merck merckaccessprogram.com/hcc
- Novo Nordisk novocare.com
- Insulin assistance finder getinsulin.org
Online Mental & Emotional Health Resources
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline dial 988 https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
- For New Hampshire, Rapid Response for Mental Health Emergencies dial 1-833-710-6477
- SAMHSA Mental Health Resource Hub https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
- Mental Health Provider Referral Directory (American Diabetes Association) www.professional.diabetes.org/mhp_listing
- Diabetes and Mental Health cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/mental-health.html
Online Nutrition and Healthy Eating Resources
- ADA Nutrition Diabetes.org/nutrition
- Diabetes Food Hub Diabetesfoodhub.com
- Calorie King calorieking.com
- Eating Well (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/eat-well.html
- Healthy Weight (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/healthy-weight.html
Online Physical Activity Resources
- ADA Fitness diabetes.org/fitness
- Make Your Workout Work for You cdc.gov/features/diabetes-physical-activity/index.html
Fitness apps/meal tracker apps
- MyFitnessPal
- Macros
- Daily Workouts Fitness Trainer
- Fooducate
- Sworkit