LITTLETON, NH – Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5-11 received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on Tuesday, November 2nd. Doses arrived at Littleton Regional Healthcare on Thursday, November 4th and will be available for administration through North Country Primary Care and Littleton Urgent Care beginning Wednesday, November 10th. Appointments can be scheduled now by calling North Country Primary Care at (603) 444-7070 or Littleton Urgent Care at (603) 444-9294. Currently, Pfizer is the only COVID-19 vaccine authorized for administration in children ages 5-11. Clinical trials have shown a smaller dosage, 2-dose series given 21 days apart is over 90% effective in protecting children against contracting and becoming severely ill with COVID-19. With the dramatic increase in positive COVID-19 cases in individuals under the age of 18 in our area, LRH highly recommends children who are eligible be immunized against COVID-19.

Doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 arrive at Littleton Regional Healthcare on Thursday, November 4, 2021
Clinicians from LRH will be traveling to area schools to provide COVID-19 vaccines to students and staff on Friday, November 12th. Schools participating in these clinics include Lakeway Elementary School, Littleton High School/Daisy Bronson Middle School, Bethlehem Elementary School, Lafayette Elementary School, Profile Senior High School, Lisbon Regional School, and Monroe Elementary School. Parents of children ages 5-11 who would like their child to be vaccinated during these clinics should speak directly with their school’s nurse. Children ages 12-18 are also eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine during these clinics. If your child is in this age group and not yet vaccinated, but you would like them to be, please let your child’s school nurse know. In addition, staff at any of the aforementioned schools who wish to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or receive their booster dose should speak with their school’s nurse. Staff must have the card from their original vaccination series with them to receive a booster dose. Team members of LRH will return to schools on December 3rd to administer second doses.
If you would like to speak to someone about having LRH clinical staff visit your school to administer COVID-19 vaccines, please contact Koren Superchi, RN, MSN, Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care Services at LRH, by calling (603) 444-9268. LRH is eager to make arrangements to provide COVID-19 vaccines to additional area schools if they are interested.
COVID-19 vaccines for anyone over the age of 5 as well as booster doses and third doses are available through Littleton Urgent Care and the Physician Practices at Littleton Regional Healthcare. Patients who are at LRH for an appointment and wish to be vaccinated or receive a booster dose (vaccination card required) are encouraged to speak with a member of their care team. Appointments for vaccination can be made through Littleton Urgent Care by calling (603) 444-9294. Additional appointment slots through Littleton Urgent Care for adult COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses are expected to open soon. Please call for availability.
An after-hours clinic for pediatric COVID-19 vaccines (ages 5-11) will be held on Wednesday, November 17th from 3 to 6pm in Suite 11 of Littleton Regional Healthcare’s Medical Office Building. This clinic is by appointment only, but open to established patients of North Country Primary Care as well as non-patients. Appointments for this clinic open on Tuesday, November 9th. Please call (603) 575-6400 and select Option #2 to reserve a time. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to receive a vaccine.
For the latest information, please visit the LRH COVID-19 pages.